I love bullet journals, but they don’t love me! I love to page through Pinterest and see all the beautiful art people have created in the name of getting organized, or recording their life, or just to doodle. And the accessories – there a ton of different styles, and pens, and stencils, and stickers, and washi tape – don’t get me going on washi tape! Oh, the beautiful journals people have built. Truly.amazing.art. I LOVE them…
But then there’s me…I can’t draw a straight line to save my life, even with a ruler. I apparently can’t build a calendar that has the dates on the right days. And, on a good day, my stick figures look like 103-year old arthritics and my flowers have seen better days. Even my stickers can’t seem to straighten up and fly right.
Don’t get me wrong. I love a beautiful notebook or really cool pen as much as the next person. I’m great at picking out the perfect supplies. Some might say I have an “office supply addiction” and I truly miss full-on back-to-school supplies shopping.
The problem is I have zero artistic ability….none, zero, zilch. It is a rare celebration when I can translate what someone else has drawn onto my own piece of paper….rare, people…RARE! I inevitably revert or convert my journals back to lowly notebooks, my artistic talent limited to writing with colored pens.
So, until I can get my eye bone connected to my hand bone to create things of beauty, I will continue with the no-fail method my dad used his entire life – all 93 years of it – jot a note on a plain old, pre-printed calendar. And if it’s really something important, I’ll use a highlighter. Now that’s talent.