I can’t draw. Even my stick figures aren’t sticks. My doodles aren’t doodle-y! I’ve said that, have you? Join me in my guided 30-Days of Doodling Challenge. Together, we’ll make fun and frivolous doodling our favorite art form!
I have to admit, I’m not one to stare at a blank piece of paper long before I start drawing circles or squares….catch that? Circles and squares! Printed word on the paper? Perfect…for coloring in all the circles of the “O” and “P” and “B”. But beyond that, I’m pretty useless when it comes to doodling. But listen up, friends! Research has found that doodling can help with memory, focus, understanding of new learning, and information retention. If that’s the case, I’m IN… It’s time to sharpen the pencil!
Part of my problem is that I never know what to doodle. How in the world do you come up with ideas for what to doodle? Does it depend on how bored you are? How close to nodding off in a meeting? Or do you spot something in a room and try to draw it? Perhaps you’re recalling something fun over the weekend and want to draw it. Sure, I can draw lines like the wind. Circles, no problem. Beyond that….I’m stuck! Am I making this too complicated??!
The 30 Days of Doodling Challenge
So, it’s time I start activating that part of my brain, the one that leads my pencil to produce something beyond lines and circles. Won’t you join me? I pulled together this fun 30-Days of Doodling Challenge, complete with daily idea prompts, to get us rolling. Just one little doodle a day, for 30 days, is all it takes. Simply download the 30-Days of Doodling prompt sheet, grab some paper and a pen or pencil…crayon, magic marker, chalk, or whatever floats your boat… and get to doodling. Once your daily doodle is done (try saying that fast three times!), snap a quick picture, then head on over to Facebook and post on my page, Untamed Parody!
I’m so excited, I can’t stand it! Which pen should I start with! Probably the purple one… or maybe green? Fine tip or fat one? And where did that fun notebook go with the pencils on the outside…